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This iPod spent over two years in a toaster, and it still works

Just chilling in the toaster for months and months, NBD.

MAYBE WE DON’T give Apple enough credit. Their products can take some serious beatings, as it turns out.

This iPod was lost around two and a half years ago, but discovered the other day wedged in a toaster. We know – what?!

The owner, Redditor bigphillypdx, posted a picture of the frazzled device on the site yesterday:

iIF9KoI Source: Imgur

As you can see, apart from a burned screen and a few missing buttons, the iPod is in full working order.

We have but one question – HOW did the owner not smell the burning plastic? They’ve tried to explain how an iPod can lie in a toaster for two years, undisturbed:

When I was moving, I threw all my last minute items in a box. I assume that somehow during the transport the iPod ended up in the toaster… One day I decided to clean out the crumbs at the bottom, and voila! A melted iPod.

H/T Metro

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